
Fol Chen Really Loves You

Creepy red sweater video for "The Holograms" directed by Keith Musil, free remix EP, heaps of tour dates...

Free "The Holograms" Remix EP featuring the titular track remixed by Teen Daze, Primary 1, Hard Mix and FUR.

Free "In Ruins" Remix EP

08/02 Los Angeles, CA The Echo
08/03 New York, NY Mercury Lounge *
08/04 Brooklyn, NY Union Pool *
08/05 Philadelphia, PA Johnny Brenda's *
08/09 Los Angeles, CA The Echo +
08/16 Los Angeles, CA The Echo #
08/23 Los Angeles, CA The Echo
08/30 Los Angeles, CA The Echo
09/22 Washington, DC Black Cat $
09/23 Boston, MA Royale $
09/24 Northampton, MA Pearl Street $
09/26 Toronto, ON Lee's Palace $
09/28 Ann Arbor, MI Blind Pig
09/29 Chicago, IL Bottom Lounge $
09/30 Louisville, KY Headliners Music Hall $
10/01 Cleveland, OH Beachland Ballroom $
10/05 Pawtucket, RI The Met Cafe $
10/22 Denver, CO Bluebird Theater $
10/23 Colorado Springs, CO Armstrong Hall $
10/24 Salt Lake City, UT The State Room $
10/26 Seattle, WA Crocodile Cafe $
10/27 Portland, OR Mississippi Studios %
10/28 Arcata, CA The Depot at Humboldt State %
10/30 San Francisco, CA The Independent %
10/31 San Jose, CA Blank Club %
11/02 San Diego, CA Casbah %
11/03 Tuscon, AZ Plush %
11/07 Houston, TX Walter's On Washington %
11/08 Dallas, TX Granada Theater %

* = w/ Baths
# = w/ Light Pollution, Crocodiles
$ = w/ !!!
% = w/ the Apples in Stereo
+ = featuring live sampling with the audience for source material for Fol Chen's third album
& = featuring live Craigslist auditions for a new singer
@ = Metal band Viscera performs the songs of Fol Chen!

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